Very Bad Things
I went to the Women in Business Fair today at navy pier and had lunch with Martha Stewart, the governor and the mayor. I Kinneared Martha and the governor as well as the state treasurer. I had a very bad day.
I was supposed to be on a 7:22 train. I got there 20 minutes early and missed the train because there was no parking spots. Then I could have taken the 7:42 if I would have been able to find a parking spot.
Finally in tears I got out of my car and asked the police man in the parking lot where I could park he suggested (without sarcasm) another train station I went there I missed the 7:57. I went in checked the schedule and learned the next train wasn't until 9;04 so I had an extra hour of waiting and I was going to be late - I had wisely packed knitting a new basic sock to start. So I open my purse and no yarn. I have my needles and no yarn. I walk back to my car check under the seats no yarn. I had an hour wait and no yarn an hour train ride and no yarn then an hour home and no yarn. To make it worse I ate dinner with Melissa and rode back on the train with her and she knit in front of me the entire way home.