Thursday, June 08, 2006

bye bye blanket

This is farewell to the pinwheel blanket it's being sent to it's new owner today - I've had this all done except sewing in the ends since the first day of the knitting olympics months ago. Then in true procrastinator form I totally ignored sewing in the ends until after the baby was born then panicked a little and sewed them in and packed it into tissue paper and is ready to go to the post office after work today.
I also have more pictures of the only fun day of work every year but I left my camera at home and used the work camera to take this picture of the pinwheel. So tomorrow you will be able to see my face emblazoned onto a chocolate sucker (if I remember my camera).
So safe journey blankey until you arrive to Aubrey.


Blogger Crystal said...

The blanket looks really pretty.

8/6/06 09:48  

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